Hello, dear friends,
Our annual stewardship campaign this year coincides with an initiative to think creatively about how we will sustain our Beloved CommUUnity. We have seen our spirit, energy, compassion, yearning for justice and love for one another transcends our physical space. It exists within, between, and among us and will endure whether we choose to remain in our building or decide to seek a new home. The UUFNW community we nurture reflects our vision of what the world can be. Our understanding of the transformative power of love compels us to ever widen the circle of our community while caring for those at its heart.
It takes work to sustain our CommUUnity. (This is where the UUnity comes in!) It requires a tangible, quantifiable commitment of generosity AND time from each of us. We invite you to reflect on how you will generously share your gifts of time and treasure with UUFNW this coming year and help our CommUUnity thrive.
Our annual stewardship campaign this year coincides with an initiative to think creatively about how we will sustain our Beloved CommUUnity. We have seen our spirit, energy, compassion, yearning for justice and love for one another transcends our physical space. It exists within, between, and among us and will endure whether we choose to remain in our building or decide to seek a new home. The UUFNW community we nurture reflects our vision of what the world can be. Our understanding of the transformative power of love compels us to ever widen the circle of our community while caring for those at its heart.
It takes work to sustain our CommUUnity. (This is where the UUnity comes in!) It requires a tangible, quantifiable commitment of generosity AND time from each of us. We invite you to reflect on how you will generously share your gifts of time and treasure with UUFNW this coming year and help our CommUUnity thrive.
Please Pledge Now
Our pledge goals for 2023/2024 are $183,000 (an increase of $20,000 from this year) AND a commitment of volunteer time to share the tasks that keep our community moving forward. We will achieve this when all our members and friends make a commitment that reflects their capacity for generosity in both ways. How much should you give? Until it feels good! For a financial point of reference, please review the UUA Fair Share Giving Guidelines (below) and consider what level of commitment is right for you. The list of volunteer opportunities follows as well.
Financial Pledge
Like many congregations, our pledge distribution is not ideal. A small number of pledges provide a disproportionate share of our income. This leaves us in a tenuous situation. We aspire to have people increasing their pledge where possible to balance the distribution.
2022/2023 Pledge Distribution
Our increased pledge goal reflects the reality of our financial obligations. In 2018, we accepted a loan from the UUA to replace our aged and leaky roof. This decision has kept us dry, but we took on debt. After several years of COVID-related deferrals, we should resume repaying loan principle next year -- an additional annual $18,000 budget expense. A pledge income of $183,000 will allow us to meet this obligation, as well as maintain our marvelous and inspiring minister Emily at ¾ time and enable us to afford a part-time Director of Religious Exploration to nurture the spirits and minds of our youth.
Volunteer PLEDGE
Being involved in the workings of our community helps us build relationships and demonstrates our care of each other by sharing the tasks. Some of us may by physically unable to volunteer time, and we understand that. But most of us can do something, and that shows care for those who cannot. The time and energy we put into our community creates a vibrancy that we can enjoy, and that will also attract newcomers.
Volunteer Needs and Opportunities - Please commit to 2 Tasks
The pledge drive begins Sunday, March 26th and ends Sunday, April 9th. This will give our finance team time to craft the budget, determining how funds are allocated given our expected income, and then make a recommendation to the board. The congregation will vote on the budget at the Annual Meeting, Sunday, May 21st. You can make your pledge by clicking on the button below or by filling out a pledge form on the Greeter’s Table on Sunday.
With deep gratitude for all that each of you already contribute to our CommUUnity,
Your friendly neighborhood Stewardship Team:
Patricia Compton, Kelley Housman and Ann Marie Trotta
Questions? Email Kelley at [email protected]
With deep gratitude for all that each of you already contribute to our CommUUnity,
Your friendly neighborhood Stewardship Team:
Patricia Compton, Kelley Housman and Ann Marie Trotta
Questions? Email Kelley at [email protected]