As a minister, I often expect the summertime to be a time of relaxation, comfort, rest, and renewal. And while that may have happened for some, this summer was also a whirlwind of fast-paced changes and events. There were political twists and turns, environmental events, and even economic changes. Change is present and constant in our lives, now and always.So as we prepare for a year of changing tides and shifting landscapes, I have chosen our year-long worship theme to be “Resilience of Spirit”. No matter what happens, no matter the changes ahead, no matter how bleak or hopeful, our Unitarian Universalist values can give us the guidance and resources we need to be a resilient people.
The Olympics has been a visual reminder of our human ability to be resilient. Adam Grant shared online: “Simon Biles taught a valuable lesson at the Olympics: Overcoming adversity takes time. Resilience is not about how quickly you bounce back - it’s about how fully you recover. You can’t judge people’s strength when they fall. Their fortitude is visible when they rise again.” The same is true of ourselves, our neighborhoods, and our UU congregations. Unitarian Universalism is still recovering from shifting volunteerism, changes in our religious landscape, the pressures of COVID, and our online world. The changes we face still take time. And with that time, we are emerging stronger, more resilient, and more powerful! Wherever you are, however you know us at UUFNW, I hope that you join us this year. Lean into your resiliency. Let us explore the grace and mercy we have to grow. Let us grant each other time to discover our strength. Come find abundance and generosity in the community. Come share the joy despite our fears and frustrations. Come and be empowered to ever rise again.