We rotate among four yearly themes:
Welcome, Inspire, Love, Share
The 2018-2019 theme is Welcome. This will be a year for us to learn about and appreciate many religious beliefs and practices, affirming our 2nd UU Principle (justice, equity and compassion in human relations), 3rd UU Principle (acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth), and 4th UU Principle (a free and responsible search for truth and meaning). Welcome!!
The 2017- 2018 RE theme was Share. This was a year for thinking deeply about our interconnected web of life, exploring ways to engage in behavior and social action that treat the Earth and its inhabitants with respect, and promote environmental justice. The Religious Exploration ministry partnered with the Green Team to offer a curriculum and activities grounded in earth-centered teachings. Throughout, we explored UU identity and justice-making in our daily lives.
The 2016- 2017 RE theme was Love and Justice. We were inspired by Cornel West's quote: "Justice is what love looks like in public." We spent the year learning about racial justice, environmental justice and justice for indigenous peoples, as well as engaging in action guided by our UU values. The video to the right reflects our experience at Pine Ridge Reservation, SD, before which we dedicated eighteen months to learning about the history of indigenous peoples in the US, how colonialism turned into institutional racism, our UU history in relation to indigenous rights, crossing cultural boundaries and more.
The 2015- 2016 RE theme was Inspire. This was a year for learning more about UU history and building UU identity as we drew from the wisdom of prophetic men and women. We also continued taking part in our congregation's recertification as a Welcoming and Inclusive Congregation for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We hope you were as inspired as we were!
The 2014- 2015 RE theme was Welcome. It was a year for learning about and engaging in social action in support of neighboring faiths and world religions, as well as taking part in our congregation's recertification as a Welcoming and Inclusive Congregation for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. This was a year to lift up our 1st UU Principle: We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person.
Copyright 2017